Employee Spotlight – Ioana David

08. 15. 2022

What is your job title?

Sales & Marketing Manager

How long have you been at Delamode?

Since June 2021

How would you describe your role in 3 words?

Rewarding, Dynamic and Team Focused

What is your day to day in your role?

In Sales every day comes with something new, new customers, new business, new obstacles, new strategy and many others. And we really enjoy the “new part”.

In my day to day activity, I am focused on:

  • Seeking new opportunities and promoting Delamode’s services
  • Supporting Sales team
  • Consolidating relationships and keeping everyone motivated

What is your favourite part of your role?

In Sales and Marketing everybody can say that it’s all about money, but trust me, that’s not all.

For me, it is all about the relationships you manage to make internal and external. 

Customers, partners, colleagues are all in our team and my purpose is to make them stick together, like a happy family. That’s the way we do it.

So, the super short response to the question would be: networking.

What led you to your current role?

I always wanted to find out what is behind the curtains.

After a lot of logistics theory in University, I sneaked myself into practice. I experienced in my career all the logistics areas both from operational and sales perspective and I have managed to understand what is behind the scenes.

Being interested in growing relationships with all the people I worked with, I have achieved lots of friends and partners and my main goal is to keep them happy.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

I am always surrounding myself with inspirational people. so all of them would be my personal inspiration.

Where is your end goal for your career?

For the moment, I’m keeping myself focused on the actual projects and doing my best for the results to come.

Ioana David

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